On Sunday September 26th 2021 the legendary “Nove Colli”, arrived at the 50th edition, comes back. With its 12.000 participants it’s the most participated cycle-tourism competition in Europe, appreciated whether by professional athletes or by passionately fonds of this sport. The competition starts from Porto Canale of Cesenatico at 6am on a route that from the coast leads to the hinterland hills; a run of 200 Km. that foresees the overcoming of nine hills, that’s why the name, and ends up in Cesenatico on the Carducci Promenade nearby the Colonia Agip. The route, that has also an alternative circuit of 130 Km. for lazy cyclists, is constellated of precious posters designed also for training and excursions during the whole of the year. This event could grow up just here, in Marco Pantani hometown, landmark of an active holiday. The “Nove Colli” has become the opportunity for many interesting events which enliven the “cycling-tourist weekend”, implicating not only the cycling lovers and the competitors, but also a vast companion public, who take this opportunity to get suntanned and to taste the renowned fish recipes. A weekend dedicated to bicycles, a calendar full of initiatives which will make of Cesenatico “the two wheels temple”.
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