Free beach …
.."Zona Cesarini" the free beach of Villamarina, an area recovered from degradation and abandonment, thanks to the commitment and passion of the Cooperative Bathing Establishments, which offers new services and free shadows with traditional beach tents. There are twenty tents by the sea made by great artists, available to tourists. And still two beach volleyball courts, a large area dedicated to children, showers and toilets, wi-fi, a wheelchair to allow disabled people to bathe.
The area also has a large "pet friendly" area, the first in the Municipality of Cesenatico on free beach. To these services, all free of charge, there is a small kiosk offering a cafeteria and small restaurant. The pride of the area is the "Cinema under the stars" event, every Monday from mid-June to mid-August for a total of eight appointments with Italian and international cinema.
And bring a towel !!